A class action lawsuit against BC Provincial Health Officer, Bonnie Henry's Covid-19 mandates ended Friday April 28 with closing arguments. The lawsuit was brought forward by CSASPP, The Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science and Public Policy. This was the second go around of Certification Hearings, the first round took place in December, 2022.
Was it all worth it Ms. Henry? Are you feeling very proud of yourself for shutting down businesses, masking children, forcing jabs, withholding early treatment medications that are still too taboo to be named…was it worth it? Only a soulless captured individual could do that and only soulless captured institutions, would go along with it. Not a single mainstream media outlet, not Global, CTV, CityTv was there to cover it during the 5 days. Not even our, 69% tax payer funded CBC who are a couple of blocks away would show up, unfortunately, we are used to that. Now we wait for the judge's verdict, which most likely will take months.
Here’s a piece I did, which includes an interview with CSASPP Executive Director, Kip Warner and contributing lawyer, Eva Chipiuk.
Sue Bonnie Saga Continues (video here)
NOTE: *I have a YouTube channel also, search AnitaK. If you could subscribe to my YouTube channel, I’d appreciate it so much. I was just nervous to put this on video on there, trying not to get banned! But I’ll doing videos on other topics on YouTube, as I’m hoping to grow my channel.
To support my work:
Many thanks!
Anita, I have had a problem with my credit card, so please drop me a line if my payment was not made for April. Holly Pender-Love, hplove8@telus.net