I have to admit I was more than a little disappointed with the October 19th election results in BC. Judging from all the online comments and folks I spoke with, I couldn’t believe NDP’s David Eby eeked out a win. A suspicious win at that…where all of a sudden they had to count up votes increasing from 49,000 to 65,000. Some BC Elections staffers were able to take home unmarked ballots for “secure” storage during advance voting. I’m sure everything was on the “up and up” but it’s not very reassuring. I want my vote in Canada to mean something, especially, knowing that our vote counting tabulators were made by Smartmatic, a company with ties to Sequoia and Dominion. More on that in this video (19 min):
What's with these vote tabulators anyway?
Now with the US Election imminent, tomorrow night Nov 5th. The media can basically report whatever narrative they’re fed to tell us. What tactics are being used to create results? Election results in the US have a direct affect on us Canadians and the world over, so I ask, “Do Our Votes Count?
(video link below 21 min)
Thanks for reading and watching!
Here’s my LinkTree
The vote doesn't matter in Hawaii, even at the local level, because billionaires have bought up all the land and even the ocean, in that all shoreline access was public until just about 2020. Now it seems that these goons can hoard coastline for themselves.
I suspect they are bringing in people to serve in the military and police forces to be weaponized against the general population. I feel like I've read somewhere that this was what happened in the Roman Empire. But yeah, probably for voting as well.
Unless your vote was for the winning candidate in your riding, your vote doesn't count.
Furthermore, the byelection has been used to make sure the runner-up has to start all over again.