BC is Bats**t Crazy--Healthcare and Hoffe
Just a couple of ways our province loves to double down on crazy.
This province just refuses to get its act together on some fronts.
In BC, we still have no jab, no job for our doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers and this is perfectly ok with the masses, so the endless cruelty that this causes, just continues.
Another example of crazy, last month, I did a video on how the NDP government is strongly advising public servants and others, to use the term, “people living in BC”, instead of “British Columbians” in order to be more inclusive to members of the Indigenous community. Oh that makes all the difference, doesn’t it? What is the real motivation behind these platitudes?
Link to "Bad British Columbians" video.
And finally, if you’re not sleepwalking through life, then you know exactly who Dr. Charles Hoffe is. He gained notoriety in 2021, after he wrote an open letter to BC Provincial Health Officer, Bonnie Henry. He was advising her of the adverse reactions and deaths that occurred in his hometown of Lytton BC, post-jab. His pleas for help and transparency completely ignored and he continues to receive his share of biased, unethical coverage by the mainstream media.
I can tell you with firsthand knowledge, my colleagues at Global News chose to give this man zero coverage. It was a choice, a dictate almost, no producer I talked to would give this doctor 30 seconds of airtime. We can only give one doctor airtime, for hours and hours of state run press conferences, only Bonnie.
Link to Dr. Hoffe and the Bonnie letter video.
Dr Hoffe was scheduled to appear before the BC College of Physicians & Surgeons' Disciplinary Committee on March 4th to the 15th, where he is required to defend himself for having the nerve to report these serious side effects and deaths.
Now, the College is asking for judicial notice, putting Dr Hoffe in a position where he cannot defend himself. Making it impossible nearly, to bring in expert witnesses to defend himself and make his case. The trial is adjourned and a new date hasn’t been set. I guess, they need more time to figure out other ways to ignore the truth. I’m hoping public outrage will have some effect.
Public Opinion matters to the College, please write strongly worded letters to support Dr. Hoffe, stating exactly how you feel about what they’re doing.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
300–669 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6C 0B4
I hold a glimmer of hope that sanity will prevail, as we wade our way through this sh*tstorm in batsh*t crazy BC.
Im very angry and sad over this, it's corruption at the highest level. Bonnie Henry can kill and maim with her statements on TV but Dr Hoffe gets raked over the coals for trying to save lives.